RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:PTQ ..A DOG! MKT at all time highs and covid.CRAAWFOROD!!!Call a spade a spade. Markets are flying and health bio and any other related health care are rocketing. Yet this PIG is stuck in the mud. Craaawrodfr!!!! where are you!!! Trust me they are squezzing every pennyout for their in paychecks. there acquisitoins are a joke!!1 they have no clue how to hand;;e the money. remember the cybertheft...could not even hold on to PTQ bank account. anyhow it is clear that the investment community is not interested in this dog. PTQ does not have any influent or high profile spokesperson...they are no where to be found inmainstream news. at the end of the day THIS IS ONLY A PENNY STOCK. PLAY so I guess i will have to contunue to grab the nickle and dime trade which you know $2k-$3K pperweek for me. while you guy watch it go up an down and down and down then up . meanwhile back home we arechurinf it otta eat too. CRAAAWWWWFOROROD!!