French Only, On Sedar! Perhaps some gentle pounding, should be done, on someone's head!
A little constructive criticism, might just help, get an essential message across. Potential investors may like to get, all the facts posted, in both official languages! If the message is a good one, everyone needs to fully understand!
It would be easy to post both translations, at the very same time. And it would be, a lot more fair!
Equal treatment, appeals to the most! And to do otherwise, is just plain, stupid!
If the truth is hidden in shadows, then perhaps, some very key people, making good investment decisions, may feel, the company, has something to hide.
Why should an investor, be forced to use a translation application, to gain equal access to all the facts? Abcourt Mines has a lot of improvement, to do, in their public relations department.
Abcourt Mines is a public company! It's not private!
Even the largest, of insider shareholders, should be able to understand, a simple fact like that!
For good or bad,
Let the light, shine!
All the best! Java