The company has already some deals in options During the last shareholder online presentations the ceo clearly said they have received some deals but they can't be publicly released to the general public under their aggreements and he said no decision would be taken before mid 2021 because they wants the right one at the right price. Personally I think it would be an European car maker like Volkswagen with the decision to open an office over there it must be for an reason. Plus Volkswagen are going to invest way more than Tesla in the next 15 years in EV car so ... but nothing stop them to have more than one deal Tesla would be great too! Plus I inspect a deal with lion electric in Quebec for a battery factory. We have to be patient guys but suprises can happen at anytime now if the exploitation permit is given and a major battery maker massively invest in the company to make a alliance with the current group owner plus la caisse de dpt du Quebec might finance nouveau monde at a great interest rate. Best is to come!