Hold Fast PeopleIf you are long and have been for some time, you know how prone this stock can be to manipulation. Fortunately, it seems that many weak hands were flushed last week and the SP has better support between material events/news. Super strong performance again today. I don't think that $4's even today are out of the realm of possibility. Wouldn't that be a nice base in advance of material news?
As word spreads more and more (along with the 'airborne' information increasingly being disseminated) about BioCloud, the breadth of the investor base should increase too (along with demand one would expect!!). I firmly believe it is close to becoming a 'mainstream' product. There is always 'adoption resistance' since this is a major investment by buyer groups (especially public) and necessarily means that they will be held to a higher standard of 'dilligence' when it comes to air/health safety. However, once it starts to be rolled out, the pressure many groups will feel to adopt this tech may be nothing short of overwhelming. Keeping BioCloud quiet expecting buyers to just 'do the right thing' relies on their 'noble' motivations... Soon, the market may just DEMAND it of them... GLTAL