The Fundamentals That Have Driven Gold, Remain In Place! Abcourt shareholders await some valuable management insight (via a Zoom magnification) on Dec. 7.
Knowledge is the cornerstone of any correct decision making process.
The price of gold is the footstool that allows this company to grow.
Gold like all commodities, should soon resume, the upward commodity, pricing trend!
The US dollar is invariably moving lower for a time of some duration.
The demand for physical gold is unusually large! By using the 'magic' of quantitative easing (money printing: ie. central bank bond purchases directly funding government coffers), governments may think that they may have limitless spending power!
But by choosing to continually use, this novel creation, instead of inflicting painful taxation, on the middle class, paper money, only becomes, worth much less!
And unfortunately, govenmental spending crises, never seem to end! The money tree needs to always grow, so much larger! In the mad race to become more competitive, some countries, may feel that their lower value currency, may hold some strategic economic advantage, in their export sector. But a lower currency, may also be a cause of rising inflation, in their import sector. Consumers are forced to pay a lot more!
And how could that flawed competitive strategy work, if every nation, does the very same thing?
For now, governments have little powder left in their monetary easing arsenal (with current interest rates, now at rock bottom levels).
Now that many governments are using similar questionable strategies, this may not end too well!
Some may seek the protection of Bitcoin for their capital preservation.
But with governments and their central bankers, now also eyeing digital currencies, as a tool of last resort, they may not end too well, either!
When spending gets out of control, wouldn't higher priced gold, make for a more sound monetary standard, than a virtual one, made from only bits?
Gold, the real refuge of last resort, could cost a lot more, and sooner, than we may think!
Government needs to better understand.
The cost of running endless deficit spending programs, can become, a little too expensive!
All the best! Java