RE:When I muse of Tesla and HPQ it goes like this...Mr. T. You like the samples? tesla yes I do. mr.t well i have a plan to scale up quickly and would like to offer you an exclusive role. tesla. Lets hear the offer. mr.t. We're going to need plants and reactors. If you pay for said plants we sell 75% of silicon production to you at a slightly above break even price for x number years with a percentage of production tappering off over the years. We remain able to sale the other 25% to the highest bidder to make our killing. These plants are a drop in the bucket for teslas piggy bank and it will give them the greatest edge a carmaker may have had since fords assembly line. This would be beneficial for both hpq and tesla because to scale we need more money faster without diluting shares for tesla they have a brand new sparkling technological advantage and price per battery would drop substantially while competitors continue to get left behind by tesla. I know the details are rough but I know people see posts here and they can make shhht shake if it fits hpqs plan. Just thinking on a board.