RE:FreddieSanfordIt's almost a given that twinned holes will duplicate the historical results. The likes of RTZ worked the ground, not Felipe's servio de perfurao, so there should be some confidence in the historic drill results even if regulators caution against relying on them.
The key here is effective promotion and market awareness aligned with the twinning program.
Meridian has a shot to get that right and management must get that in place now. A quick closing of the placement fully subscribed or better yet, over subscribed, would give some confidence that they just might be getting it right.
I mentioned the other week a Victoria, B.C. company I'm invested in (VERY) Very Good Butchers. A perfect example of effective promotion and market awareness matched to a promising emerging story.
Look at their chart. The company isn't worth near $500,000,000 right now as the market cap reflects because the management of that company got effective consultants engaged and the tight share structure has made it easy to ladder the stock price up as each new development is announced.
Easily goes to $10 early next year or quite possibly before lights are out on 2020. Not because it will be worth close to a billion dollars at that moment but the spin doctors will have laddered the stock price there and a forward looking market will always value a company higher than what might be currently justified.
You mention Great Bear. Very much the same pattern with effective promotion matched to on-going good drill results with the maiden resource projections easily supporting the market cap valuation.
If Great Bear releases a resource that beats the streets expectations, GBR goes next level.
Back to Meridian. The company can get this right. It's not a secret on how this is done. Consultants and laddering ----------------------> one step at a time on each batch of drill results, first twinned holes and then step outs.
If you have been watching the trading patterns over the last couple weeks, you can see a baby version of what I'm talking about. Not as strong as I would like to see because it only got the reserve on the placement price to $0.20 but if that is what it takes to get the effective consultants and market awareness teams in place prior to the drills turning, so be it, the stock should at least double from here prior to news of drills being mobilized.
Good results make the rest of the work a piece of cake.
I'm wondering if Sentient being under 10% allows them to trade without the requirement for an early warning report. If they can, I could see their trading desk potentially participating in driving the stock up while remaining under 10% to get the price up to that $2.00 mark for a clean exit. I'm not suggesting a co-ordinated effort. It's just something the big boys do. Ice your own cake if the icing is good.
The earliest we see the first twinned drill results is likely March but relogged and re-assayed historical core results could come much sooner, possibly mid-January to early February.
TFSAfunds doesn't see value in the historic work. Relogging and re-assaying with modern QA/QC is as good as having drilled those holes with twinning providing the ultimate veracity.
Lab turnaround time is an open question with all this Covid hanging around. Who knows how it is impacting things in Brazil when it comes to assaying.
Great Bear isn't having issues up here.
$0.40 soon?