RE:buyout question
I like your optimism! As I was only in a position to have a substantial buyout participation with PayPal buying TIO I can somewhat answer your question as I imagine many others here can do also.
No need for paperwork. You still own the shares until the payout. If you wanted to sell some shares prior to this I am sure there would be willing buyers to make a few bucks. In my case I held on to the end as there was no reason to sell. Buyout and paid the taxman as well as get screwed out of government pension claw back but that only applied to me. Depends I guess when the buyout is anticipated and the offer comes in. Maybe at the end of the year you might want to take some profit, what you can, for that year and hold on to the rest for the next year?
Lots of reasons to sell or hold and up to the individual. But good luck to us all.