RE:Mis under stood meEdgetown1invest wrote: I am thinking there could be another chance for a good investment !! if we could find the company that supplies torches.Their profit is going to increase as well!!
Here is your previous quote :
Somebody with very deep pockets thats supplies torches!! to have over 1000 torches @ 2.5 mil iin inventory dealing with 1 cus I bettomer with patents!!Even with interest rates low.. he would like to sell sooner than later. He is gambling big on PYR future. Shares in that company? would be a good investment as well.
I don't think I misunderstood your quote . I give you benefit of the doublt !!!
Based on patent drawing , I think Pyro is building the Torch themselves . There are a lot of machine parts with exotic metal comodity material on that to handle high temperature . If business is good enough , Peter will buy out those suppliers .
You start to see all his statement and strategy is making sense now . Peter is genius , he is ALWAYS several steps ahead of us . He said something in PR but it took me few PR (or few months) later to understand what his means . He said recently about 4 Torches , I expect much more in next few months . He only said what he knew in his bag . What quantity he is still in negotiation ??? If you have A,B,C , why not D,E,F ??? He answered in Agoracom , Torch has the requirement related to cement industry : cement , beton , brick , tile ???. Drosrite can work in Aluminum smelter . How about zinc or another metal based smelter ?? I believe he is building his empire . Pyro has too many niches product lines . Each line has unlimited potental ...
I am very happy to have CEO , President and leader as PPP.