This must be april fools day but Nov 30 into Dec 1st, styleie
'Situation Update – Nov. 30th – Is Joe Biden preparing to CONCEDE? Rumors
emerge of Biden seeking pardon deal from Trump'
Monday, November 30, 2020 by: Mike Adams Must be some right wing outlet's idea of a joke
Just a day to find out.
But on CNN they are calling it's a Biden win still. No budging or sweating of anyone
on TV land.
This is what the above article claims:
(Natural News) By some accounts, Joe Biden is preparing to concede
the election and is reaching out to Trump to negotiate a pardon for all
the crimes committed by himself and his family members. This claim,
attributed to a “very reliable source,” was broadcast by Lude Media
(, the same group that first spilled the truth about Hunter
Biden’s laptop and all the outrageous content it contained."
So if true is civil war like conditions or at least postering, on its way???????
Stay tune to a tomorrow that is still a Biden win as usual, day.
the outer limits, twilight zone, the Matrix, and going down the rabits
hole, day, starting for real.