I guess someone DOESN"T want Bitcoin......To BREAK That all IMPORTANT level of 20K........not right now anyway. You can probably make a VERY long list of the potential culprits like...... the Chinese Gov't.....US Gov't.....some powerfull financial institutions..... and the list goes on. I must say though......that last attempt came Ohhhh SOOO VERY CLOSE.....within ONLY ~$50 of that record. Not sure how long these guys can prevent this gigantic wave from breaking that 20K wall down. But it seems they're doing a decent job upto now. What really stuns me......is in order for someone or some group to do this......you need to be quite financially powerfull, have MANY tools at your disposal AND have a SH*TLOAD of Bitcoins to subdue any attempts at breaking that record. I'd be curious to see how long these guys can keep this up. That last drop/push back was humonguos and quite a statement from them. Let's see how this plays out in the next few days......so close....so so close......
Good luck to all...........