RE:Abcourt Mines, Now A Lean And Mean Machine!How do you measure a good miner?
Good mooring Javaman
I must first express my awe of your ability to convey your opinions. Reamarkable. I frequently do not agree with your presentations which, fairly I would suggest you do of opinions, as well, smile.
My point, many have been here over a decade, invested, with expectations of return of capital and gain.
You unfortunately do not share the truth that to date the real benefactors have been OMH and gang. One could suggest, this method of mining the shareholders will continue with the same, one man gang, doing the same procedures each and every year. Caveat, each year there has been, indications of ..the next year will be the year LOL...
In conclusion...with real production actually falling, grades ..enough
You are a marvel..Question you actually believe that the shareholders are best lead by THIS one man? Facts would suggest, absolutely not, in my humble opinion. Please refer to each pending annual meeting's .....of to the moon Alice, ..this year..and than...remarkablely another year drifts into a decade of gross...missed ..what words can describe? .....but dreams....