Good Morning fllow Stage Zeroians,

I just wanted to address a couple issues.

First off. To answer  "THE QUESTION" why we are hiring more when we are only hitting "22%" is this

Q3 ended September 30 and Q4 began. We are now 2 out of 3 months into Q4.

Q3 we were banging 250 - 300 tests a day average which was mathimatically proven by yours truly.

Since then we have secured an additional 50 more contracts.

3 major ones that stand out.

1. World Juniors.
2. The whole travel industry of barbados.
3. Hawaii / i think i read China too

I again did the math about the World Juniors  after all teams, IIHF and Hockey Canada officials, Executives, Media, Agents, Family...ETC is going to bring in easily 500 tests per Day 

Barbados is another easy 500 tests per day with all of the flights, especially with the holiday season combined with North Americans inability to stay indoors during a pandemic...("give me Freedom, or give me Covid")

The list goes on with the ever expanding list of sources of testing for this company.

That is why they are hiring more employees.

They literally mentioned that in their last 2 prospectus's

Tripp mentioned in the video SAG just re posted. they are picking up speed rapidly 
He even said it with a little smirk on his face that resembled Scroog MCduck

There is clearly a reason why they are hiring more employees and it boils down to 1 word.


Everything investors want to see

Next issue I would like to address.

Ignoring These dimwits is not enough.

if you ignore, yes you are cleaning up your board, however with the 100,000+views this board is getting daily, they will continue to spam it with BS which masks the informative diligent posts.

Jonnyboy is definitely doing the board a service by addressing them.. Is it annoying and repetitive at times? Yes. but it is definitely worthy of praise.

Ignoring is not enough. when anyone new or old is continuously ripping on a company without providing facts, just opinion. it is wrong and should be reported. After that, I dont get into how people want to talk to one another. Freedom of speech (unless its crossing the lines such as racism, sexism, bigotry...ETC) 

There seems to be a trend that everytime important news is expected to come out, multiple new accounts along with the common haters come out and go on attack. 

This will definitely be addressed by stock house and the lawyers and Private investigators currently watching and tracking every post on this board. 

That being said, when i come on and do my daily reading, i know what names im looking for whos comments i value, and those i dont. 

Last Thing id like to address Which Sag just mentioned.

If SZLS can get 10-15% of the partnerships they have from Covid and translate that to Aristotle.
They will be Golden.

Think of the Exposure the world Juniors is going to give them.

Rich as Fcuk Nhl players, executives, and everyone are going to be told the story of Aristotle, and if you take 1 blood test we will tell you if you have 1 of these cancers.

Yearly Physical Routines must include some sort of screening. and they can definitely afford it.

Thats just them 

the potential to land major partnerships with insurance companies, healthcare/cancer clinics is unfathomable.

Oh did i mention that Tripp mentioned they are currently setting up with a few cancer clinic networks as they prepare to launch Aristotle?

watch the video Sag just posted... 

Anyways, Thanks for hearing me out.

As always, 

Congrats to everyone who buys at these extremely undervalued prices, 

cause once this Shoots out of the gate, 

Theres only 1 way to go...

Straight up

