Odds of crash imminent?People here rarely if ever talk about the short term effects of COVID in the near to medium term. Experts predict the next 3+ months will be the worst in health care history. Millions have no money, face eviction, are sick or are hunkered down in fear, Millions are lining up for food, and you've all seen the cars lineup for hours. Take a look at the cars in line next time, they're not beaters, this is affecting the middle class in big ways. People seek comfort in the things they know in times like these, they aren't apt to try something new...I love TAAT for the long term....but right now...given what we all are facing....not so sure! On top of all that the whipsaw effect of the stock price causes even more grief..I wish you all well. Stay safe. Don't bet the farm...Big tobacco has deep pockets.