RE:RE:Facebook groupI case you guys didnt know , Electronics are flying off the shelves and inventories are lowest theve been in a long Long time.
Makes sense, People can't Spend on experiences ( travel, restaurant, bar , shows ect) so they are buying tangeble goods.
This would have been the perfect time to launch DT.
NXO are just a bunch of Scammers , you remember their initial excuses for missing the 2019 launch of DT ? They claimed the Tariff war caused disruptions in Supply Chain. Then Covid "delayed DT."
Now all year it was ALLIS ...ALLIS this ...ALLIS that ...ALLIS SOON ... AT the AGM its now silliconization next year ...BLA BLA BLA
In my opinion, NXO never had any plans to launch DT , they are running a Stock Scam where they can basically steal investor money.
They will never sell anything.