Big EarnPUMP.. I thought those guys died with 3/4 of a billion shares floating around.
thanks for the Nostalgia. Wow does that take me back. I remember when they TRADED FOR A PENNY. Wait..they still do.
Not the same as NextLeaf. I know the family. They have all their stones in this. It has to work!!
They will make it work.
No market love for the sector. Stealth made a comment. "I was waiting for OILS to catch up to LABS. I did not think LABS would come down to OILS". ( and VLNS and NEPT)
T.Weed is showing promise in and around $36.00 HMMJ is about $8.50 There is life.
Of course if you had bought and maybe still adding to T.HIVE it gives you more staying power here. We discussed HIVE here when it was $0.30c before ETH took off. We also discussed buying T.WEED at $13.00 on the CV19 over-reaction.
That is where these boards come in handy. When an idea pops up and you can weigh its merrits. I did OK!
Own a big chunk here. Paul has far more to lose than any of us if this does not go. So I'm not worried.