Almonty briefly mentioned in AMCHAM article
Q. Have you received a lot of inquiries from companies to move from Hong Kong or China to Korea recently?
A. Yes, we have. I can't disclose names to you but The New York Times was such a visible decision. There are companies that are interested in expanding more in Korea just because Korea is getting a lot bigger. If you take a look at why the great companies are here, it’s not just because the market itself but because of the important partnership opportunities with companies like Samsung, LG and Hyundai. They’re huge global companies today, and if you want to have collaboration with them, they really should be here.
Almonty Industries, for example, is now producing the largest tungsten [mine] in Korea. They’re in the process of finalizing here. Right now, 80 percent of our tungsten comes from China. So this is the play where they’re going to diversify away from China. And tungsten is a very important resource for semiconductors and IT companies.