RE:HenryfordNexoptic is the Only Company who's shareholders are ok with 0$ revenue for 10 years in a row.
What the heck is wrong with them ? Nothing, its an organized plan to steal from Shareholders. The shareholders who are overly positive are probably involved in the theft and are promoting false fairytales and dreams of NXO about to hit it big.
For Newbee's its too good to resist. Dreams of the shareprice getting to 5$ 10$ 15$
For the shareholders who have been in this ride for many years we know what will happen. Nothing. False promises, more deception. More let downs . More Shares diluted. Lower share price.
0$ revenue
Broken Promises for the past 10 years.
RICH Gerson said contracts were coming soon this summer. Now at the AGM 6 months later he appears completly defeated and gives no guidance.
As of Today , NXO has not indicated it will have revenue anytime , ever, Ever.
NXO thanks you the shareholder for your support. They say it every year. Year after year.