RE:Almonty briefly mentioned in AMCHAM articleJust another example of interest and acknowledgement to the potential of Almonty Korea Tungsten.
I dont think there is any existing, re-start or new mine start-up / exploration projects, as well as all the analysis web sites for Tungsten and critical metals that does NOT mention Almonty in some way or another.
It is kind of funny and good to see other companies try to compare them selves to Almonty, with APT grades, TPH through-put, mine life........ blah blah blah.
I would not call the other Western Tungsten miners competition, (as we have none next to China and a few others), but rather a coalition of miners wishing to deal with the Western market only.
The World IS watching THIS mine at Sangdong !
Imminent = Soon.
Soon = in or after a short time.
Indubitably = with out a doubt.
Doubt = a feeling of uncertainty.
Certainty = Certainty. an assured fact.