Frogzilla wrote: poolman wrote: New equipment is for Las Vegas facility where they prepare the hemp from their suppliers. From the videos they filter it, blend in what ever other materials to give it their patent pending flavors and package it for shipment to the "Big Tobacco company they are using to roll and box em.
Agree, the process is quite unique and thats why the patent is so important! In Las Vegas,Taat starts with at least two different strains of high CBD (CBG to come soon) hemp flower that comes from contracted farmers in Oregon & Wisconsin, they also buy from a farmers hemp association.
The hemp strains are graded into different particle sizes and combined at a certain ratio, then steeped with flavourings like licorice root and other natural food grade flavourings. Joe mentions the importance of moisture control alot and I'm thinking after the wetting/steeping of the hemp it must be cured to a certain degree..
The 13, 40lb shrunk wrapped bags of hemp we all saw on FB equals 520 lbs or almost a days stated production of 600lb a day. The new equipment is going to increase production to 2400 lbs a day. TAAT will need a new and huge manufacturing facility to even put a dent in the cigarette market!! Not to mention a rock solid source of hemp, remember big tobacco plays dirty pool!!!
All is good in the hood people!!!! Original thoughts and products are rare. We are witnessing the birth of an idea that will change the cigarette industry. If TAAT's patents are issued and it prevents other companies from mimicking tobacco with the use of flavored hemp, then it's lights out for a 20 years first mover advantage for TAAT.