This news is awesome as it keeps shareholders in the loop on not only the progress but confirming PYR and HPQ are about to excite the world.  Key pts highlighted worth re reading :)

HPQ NANO on the following PUREVAPTM Nano Silicon Reactor (“NSiR”) development program milestones:

  • Process and mechanical engineering designs for the Gen1 PUREVAPTM NSiR have been completed, on time and on budget;
  • Gen1 fabrication will start next week, project is on schedule for a December 2020 commissioning and start.

The process engineering phase allowed the PyroGenesis technical team to run a series of computer simulations to ensure that the system works as planned. Satisfied with the result, the mechanical engineering work needed to start the build of the Gen1 PUREVAPTM NSiR was then completed.

Bernard Tourillon, President & CEO of HPQ Silicon and HPQ NANO stated“It is very nice to see all the pieces of the puzzle falling into placeWe are just starting to visualize the potential commercial applications of the PUREVAPTM processes we are developing in close partnership with PyroGenesis, and I must say that I really like what we are seeing. While we are very excited by HPQ NANO material blue sky potentialin the silicon battery space, we are also thrilled by our material potential in other high value markets, as this is another way for HPQ to expand its product markets by diversifying which could potentially reduce risk.”


Despite strong research and massive investment in Silicon material for batteriescurrent manufacturing processes are simply not scalable or commercially viable.

PyroGenesis, with 20+ years of experience in manufacturing plasma atomized metal powders, bring this massive knowhow to the development of the PUREVAPTMNSiRa scalable plasma-based Nano-Atomization process. PUREVAPTMNSiR will allow the low-cost transformation of metallurgical Silicon into tailor-made spherical silicon powders and/or Silicon Nanowires that battery and Electric Vehicle (EV) manufacturers are looking for.

With its capability of producing tailor made spherical silicon materials within a wide size distribution ranges (from < 0.20 µm up to 5 µm), the PUREVAPTMNSiR represents a game changing leap forward in resolving the issues of commercial viability and scalability.

HPQ NANO will be uniquely positioned to offer a wide spectrum of the products needed to meet the anticipated massive emerging demands from battery and EV manufactures.


HPQ NANO will also be uniquely positioned to offer the hydrogen sector access to a low-cost nano silicon powders alternative that can be used to extract H2 from water.

Having the ability to use the metallurgical silicon (3N – 4N Si) to be produced by HPQ PUREVAPTM “Quartz Reduction Reactors” (QRR) as feedstock for the PUREVAPTMNSiR, HPQ NANO will be able to come to market with a range of High Purity Si powder products presently used by specialty manufacturers. This represent an immediately addressable market of 100,000+ tonnes per year for HPQ NANO products. This represents 3% of the entire Silicon market which CRU1 estimates will grow 15% by 2025.

Tourillon added “What is truly becoming exciting about HPQ NANO is the competitive advantage we have in the massive EV and battery space, as well as, the competitive advantages we are starting to build in silicon products that we will be able to produce for alternative silicon markets.