RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Hahaha... Rudy's got itThe real information is out there if you can be bothered to extract your head from your quivering anus and find it.
TriumphSpitSix wrote: Covid was, IS and will always be a scam, simply a new variant of the flu, weaponized for the single purpose of executing the presidential coup d'etat which the defective DNC had tried and failed to complete multiple times before.
If you believe anything otherwise, you're a f@cking halfwit idiot who gobbled up the curated lies being spoonfed to you by the very clearly biased Lamestream Media... whether you're Conservative or Liberal, US or Canadian.
With apologies to Ben Franklin... Those who would give up Liberty for a false sense of security from a contrived, false "threat" with a 99.9% survival rate deserve neither Liberty NOR Security!
in fact, if you ARE an American Conservative and bought into the Covid Hoax, then that spineless coward looking back at you in the mirror is a large part of the reason The President is having to fight tooth and nail to overturn the fraudulent election results. Your cowering compliance with bullshhit mask mandates and not raising absolute hell when these corrupt democrat cities/states illegally expanded mail-in and absentee voting is why we are now having to investigate and overturn the fraud.
There's a good, obedient pet!
Thanks a lot idiots!