RE:RE:RE:RE:Admission Chamber MUSt Be Changed Each Time Mechanizm wrote: Who remembers when we all had projectors in our boardrooms? Replacing lamps every couple hundred hours at a comparable cost to one of these detection cartridges! We had no problem spending $300/mo on light bulbs but this is different?
Depending on location, it could be $300 a day, or two times a day, or three... LTC homes, schools, large meat plants. Lots of possibilities for high-infection zones where it will be possible for multiple alerts during a day. And it's not just the cost, it's the need to have a whole bunch of replacements on hand so the machine isn't down for days or weeks while you wait for a new chamber from the factory. So yeah, it's something KNR has to improve, and fast, if they want to maximize their product. Why do you think they created the recycle program? Hopefully they're working on a better solution to what is looking to be BioCloud's only problem.