RE:RE:RE:warning - important! lolFor you, me, the maintenance department and Paul Ghezzi, the process of removing an infected chamber might not seem difficult. But some people can't change a lightbulb without burning their fingers. Some people can't parallel park if they're the only car on the street. Have you seen people wearing gloves touch their face, thereby negating any benefit those gloves offer? Or wearing their mask over their chin but not their nose or mouth? No matter how easy something might seem to be, some people are going to fail at it. Best to not require them to do it in the first place, and save them money, time and storage space in the process.
canyousayiii wrote: I think he was talking about an idea of different applications for the same purpose having different cost structures. But in terms of the BioCloud cartridge replacement, I believe Paul explained that it would use the same disposal procedures as some other stuff that is being replaced today. If my memory serves me correctly it had to do with some protocol using "red disposal bags" whatever they involve. He definitely did not say that one would require hazmat suits or anything special. I would guess disposable gloves, such a "regular" bag and a mask, all the stuff that is available and being used by many ordinary folk today. Just train the folk how to take the cartridge out of the BioCloud, which I suppose has not been designed to be very onerous given that it is an integral part of its existence.
Whydunnit wrote: So you think a customer can just wash his chamber after detection, like a diaper? Paul Ghezzi would disagree with you. In fact he'd probably say that idea currently has as much merit as what's inside a soiled diaper. KNR might be able to recycle chambers, but not a customer. Not yet, at least.
fishtail wrote:
just had this major revelation - need to share with the board like some other smart people been sharing insights!!!
Did you know that diapers need to be changed each time!! Instead, you can just wash them by hand.
Nah - Nobody would ever buy them!