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Viemed Healthcare Inc VMD

Viemed Healthcare, Inc. through its subsidiaries, is a provider of home medical equipment (HME) and post-acute respiratory healthcare services in the United States. The Company’s service offerings are focused on effective in-home treatment with clinical practitioners providing therapy and counselling to patients in their homes using cutting edge technologies. The Company’s products and services include Home Medical Equipment, In-home sleep testing, and Healthcare staffing. Home Medical Equipment provides respiratory and other home medical equipment, including home ventilation, bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices, percussion vests, and other medical equipment. In-home sleep testing provides in home sleep apnea testing services. Healthcare staffing provides healthcare staffing and recruitment services. The Company provides home medical equipment services through its interest in East Alabama HomeMed, LLC (HomeMed).

NDAQ:VMD - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by Jamesedgar1on Dec 09, 2020 8:40am
Post# 32065778

Interesting take on the future of Stock market.

Interesting take on the future of Stock market.

Copy and paste in search engine if necessary.
Bullboard Posts