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Strathcona Resources Ltd V.SCR

Primary Symbol: T.SCR Alternate Symbol(s):  STHRF

Strathcona Resources Ltd. is a Canada-based oil and gas producers with operations focused on thermal oil, enhanced oil recovery and liquids-rich natural gas. The Company has three operations, including Lloydminster Heavy Oil, Cold Lake Thermal Oil and Montney. The Lloydminster Heavy Oil segment has multiple large oil-in-place reservoirs with existing and expanding enhanced oil recovery (EOR) opportunities primarily located in southwest Saskatchewan. Its Saskatchewan thermal properties rely on the same steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) processes as its Cold Lake Thermal properties. It is a producer in the Cold Lake region of Alberta. Its operations include thermal oil producing assets at Lindbergh, Orion and Tucker, with production from SAGD oil assets. Its Montney development is positioned in some of the active regions in the Montney basin, the condensate-rich Kakwa, Grande Prairie, and Groundbirch regions, and produces liquids-rich gas.

TSX:SCR - Post by User

Comment by Oldirtydpgon Dec 09, 2020 2:14pm
Post# 32069147

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Shake, shake, shake...

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Shake, shake, shake...Looks like Im right so far.  I know its tough to accept when the truth is not what you had hoped for.
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