RE:Like I have stated many times...We have Institutional investors but they aren't buying in any size of late and I haven't heard of any preliminary 43-101 in the Spring. What I did hear was a resource calculation scheduled for Q1 which has now been pushed out to Q4 which is disappointing.
But of course if you are bullish then the only way to respond to this change is to say that we obviously grossly underestimated the amount of strike and depth that we had when we first proclaimed that a resource would be available by Q1, so sure, lets go with that and you can throw in Covid for good measure.
We all understand infill drilling and we know that any credible QP is going to require a set spacing before they will sign off on a 43-101 but that is not what I'm suggesting.
I'm not suggesting a 50 meter spacing over thousands of meters both along strike and depth, at least not for the " model " I'm proposing. What I'm suggesting is only a tool, a way to demonstrate what we have in a smaller space, like only 400 meters, may be representative of the whole and when extrapolated by 10 or 20 or 30 times gives us an idea of the true potential of this project. A theory to be proven later.
Maybe the Institutional guys have a fantastic software program that tells them exactly where we are now and they can see much further out than I can based on our current data but if that were the case then I think the stock would head higher on news like todays because it would be quantifiable.
So maybe they need something more, maybe a model with some real #'s in it as a guide !
I would like the stock to have a nice steady climb into the 20's and eventually the 30's and I'm certain everyone else would too but it isn't happening so maybe a differant approach is warranted.
We'll know more when they produce the model ...I hope.
RazorRamone777 wrote: There will be little interest from the institutional investors or buy out candidates until the 43-101 is complete. The preliminary 43-101 will not be complete until the infill drilling is completed and factored in. The preliminary 43-101 will be completed in the spring. We are now being valued at around $100 per oz in the ground. Because of so much high grade near surface, nearby infasrtucture, high recovery rates, etc. etc. many believe this to be worth $300 per oz in the ground and this is just the BEGINING! Over time more drilling will show a much more accurate 3D model of length, width and as we have seen today DEPTH, thus adding massive amounts of oz. I'm still on the record saying this could be worth 5X todays price by next September. The company is doing a bang up job and should be commended! Thank You GBR team!!! GLTA!