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Binovi Technologies Corp. EYCCF

Primary Symbol: BNVIF

Binovi Technologies Corp is a human performance technology company that has developed Binovi, a hardware and software-centered platform. Binovi combines hardware, software, specialized knowledge, and big data insights in order to deliver customized one-on-one training and treatment. Binovi is designed for vision optimization and the enhancement of cognitive skills related to human performance. The company is working together under a common banner to help neuro-optometry, vision rehabilitation, a

GREY:BNVIF - Post by User

Comment by posranypokolanaon Dec 09, 2020 9:32pm
Post# 32074065

RE:I’m confused now

RE:I’m confused nowPlease allow me to clarify with you guys that I'm a day trader, I predict forming pattern, track chart technicals, hypothesize next movement based on catalysts, etc. and I've never owned a stock for more than a few days besides the exception of NIO is my first very long term investment.

I really don't have every answer for you guys as much as I wish I did because my intentions are only good and I love to share what information is clear to me. I live in the present day while you guys are trying to understand the distant future for this company, in which I probably have less of a clue than anybody else in this forum chat hahah. In my perspective.. Let's just say Binovi sells a really good story and their news sounds like they're heading in the right direction, they should be valued way higher than their current SP.. but they are absolute menacing vultures when it comes to their stock and kind of sh*t on their investors. I would be biting my nails every night the longer I hold my money in a company like this, BUT it is a phenomenal stock for catching dips and riding waves.

One this is for sure, yes there is a massive promo currently running for VISN and they are pumping it with volume to dump their shares. Chart did not break out, and we would have been at .30 by now if they weren't f*cking those bids silly.

My prediction is that this promo is going to last another few days, I think the volume surge has to overpower their selling power and we will climb out of this trench. It's a slow and grueling climb unfortunately but I think we are past the worst part now.

Again, forgive me for not being more informative with the company itself. I did a lot of DD but I don't base my trading off of that, because clearly in some cases like VISN it falls short to have much value towards the SP growth when the market makers don't make it count.

Hope I've made my position in all of this a bit more clear ~
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