3.50 copperDownside is copper downside.
Currently SP has a copper price slide of about 50 cents baked and no value for florence.
Upside SP gets current copper price baked in and florence gets some value.
Todays copper price florence at 8 percent discount rate has an NPV of over a billion cdn. At a 2 percent discount rate that would be much higher.
GIbraltar is trading at 60 cents on the replacement dollar.
Proseperity has 150 million invested or 60 cents a share, today SP gives it no value.
Yellowhead and Aley are not worth mentioning but are still very valuable assets with 10s of millions invested.
10 bucks a share is not hard to see for this cowboy in the next 2 years or so. As long as we have low interest rates and the new green deal.