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Golden Goliath Resources Ltd V.GNG

Alternate Symbol(s):  GGTHF

Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. is a Canada-based junior exploration company. The Company is focused on exploring and developing the gold and silver potential of properties in the Red Lake District of Ontario. The Company’s Canada properties include Quebec, and Wish Ore. Queb includes Victory 21 Property, Citadell Property, Bedard Property, and Ernest Property. The Victory 21 Property includes about 18 map claims, 10 pending claims over 1200 hectares. The Citadell Property, Bedard Property and Ernest Property are located in Central Quebec, stable modern mining jurisdiction, which includes about 24, 22, and 34 map claims. The Wish Ore Property is located 60 kilometers north of Sault Ste Marie.

TSXV:GNG - Post by User

Post by ggrelletteon Dec 11, 2020 3:55pm
Post# 32090556

Many r still waiting on drill results.......

Many r still waiting on drill results.......while holding their breathe. IMHO everything is pointing in the right direction other than delayed assay results. If the assay results come back with some long intercepts with high grade gold values then this stock will be in the 20's quicker then u can shake a stick.

Anticipation is killing everybody not just the investors but I am sure mgt. is very eager to see the results themselves.

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