DUHthe [rpbability that the two biggest gold majors are signed to confidentiality agreements with seabridge is very very high... so what other gold company could afford to the $4 billion plus capex to build out snowfield... i don't see a single one... so what happened did id pretium n\management try to get a higher bid for snowfield.... or was sea's the best offer... and if you were in the bidding for ksm and somebody came knocking on your door to peddle the snowfield deposit.. what would you say to them..well alls well that ends well for the major gold miner that most likely will be part of the impending ksm sale... now that the the snowfield project is part of the deal
my only regret was i didn't speak out when bob was diluting the bejesus out of pretium for about $3.50 canadian ... cause they were capable and worked so hard ...