RE:Uncleron has no reason to lie.You, my friend are a bag of hot air. You said that the SP would be $100 by Christmas.
No biggy, its not as if I, or anyone else on this board ever took you serious, but it only reinforces what I have said in the past ... no one... absolutely no one, is always right in predicting the stock market ... especially someone who refers to themselves in the 3rd person. Lol!
I am currently long PYR, and have been in and out as a shareholder over the last 3 years. I have learned never to underestimate Peter Pascali. I find that perhaps the only fault he has, is in his excessive holding of shareholders hands, and perhaps over-nuturing expectations in his Agoracom interviews with George. I think his genuine excitement in the realization of what is going on behind the scenes can sometimes get the best of him, and although he does a good job of holding his cards close to his chest, his exhuberance is often over analyzed and over discected on forums such as this and of course leads to the pumping and manfacturing of unrealistic expectations.
As many have already stated, this is a growing business that has tremendous upside potential and as such, derserves the patience that will be required by those of us who have the faith and appropriate horizon to allow Peter do his job.