Upcoming vote - I will vote against When given the opportunity, per previous comments on the matter, I will be voting against this.
The people at the helm have not and do not represent the minority shareholder's (most of us here...) interests.
Instead of focusing on moving this company forward, which is what their mandate should have been about, their efforts have continuously/solely been about gaining as much control of the company for their personal gain since the very beginning and for the past many years. This has already been demonstrated on numerous occasions which this is just another prime example.
I would prefer the company go to the ground and lose what's left of value (not much at this point) rather than they get their way with it. If they do, with the majority control this would give them, by now I know they will continue to dilute the minority (us) out with the utter egos and personal greed already demonstrated time and time again.
At this junction, I believe the best course for us minority shareholders will be to have these people (the Board of Directors and Global ...and even Medical, which is in many ways the same people) with their back against the wall and come up with a deal and/or interests (the restructuring group or any other) who actually have our (minority shareholders) interests and the interests of the CSS at heart, as it should be.
I am already disappointed this has been approved in great parts by the TSX who seems to have failed to protect us minority shareholders in this obvious attempt.
The people trying to push this lopsided and greedy proposal do not represent my interests as a minority shareholder.
I will be voting against this when the opportunity comes.