FdfdYour latest post was a doozy. You claim to be a long, because you project a higher sale price in a year. If I was shorting, this is a beautiful bullshit comment I would make. All of your posts, and I mean all of them are suggesting that the share price should or will go lower near term. Absolutely a shorters angle. You say you used technicals to determine the next orders and size of orders. That's absolutely ridiculous. One phone call in a week, month, year whatever can change an order from 1 to ten or 100. Anyone who is invested in any stock for mid to longterm would never badmouth the stock they are invested in. If I had grave concerns about my position I would go out of my way to private message our CEO or other members. Knowing full well that concerns raise doubts on public forums, and doubts may lead to antsy investors selling and dropping our shareprice. Claiming to be a professional investor, I may agree with you on that. Your angle is textbook shorting.