Zoomaway Travel Inc. has changed the format of its coming annual and special meeting of shareholders to be held on Dec. 16, 2020, at 10 a.m. Calgary time, to a conference call meeting. Shareholders may attend and participate in the meeting through a conference call but will not be permitted to attend the meeting in person.
Due to recent restrictions on gatherings implemented by the government of Alberta in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the move to a virtual-only meeting reflects Zoomaway's commitment to protecting the health and safety of its shareholders, directors, employees and other stakeholders.
Only shareholders as of the record date of Oct. 27, 2020, or their duly appointed proxyholders may vote at the meeting. Shareholders who wish to attend and vote at the meeting should follow the instructions below.
To call into the meeting, please use the following instructions.
Dial-in number (United States and Canada): 563-999-1170
Access code: 363866 followed by the number sign
International dial-in numbers are available.
For additional assistance connecting to the meeting, text "call me" to the dial-in number above, and you will be called into the conference. Message and data rates may apply.
Your vote is important. Shareholders who do not wish to attend and vote at the meeting are encouraged to vote their shares prior to the meeting, and are reminded that their completed forms of proxy or voting instructions, as well as votes by Internet and telephone, must be received by not fewer than 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) before the time set for the holding of the meeting or any adjournment of the meeting, or for non-registered (beneficial) shareholders, such earlier time as required by their intermediaries. Please read the company's proxy materials for further details on how to vote in advance of the meeting.
Copies of Zoomaway's proxy materials that were delivered to shareholders are also available on SEDAR and have been posted on the company's website. The timing and process for voting by proxy remain as described in the proxy materials, and shareholders may still vote in advance of the meeting by submitting their proxy form or voting information form as described in the proxy materials. The proxy materials will not be updated to reflect the change to the meeting format.
About Zoomaway Travel Inc.
Zoomaway Travel is a technology company that is revolutionizing the hospitality and travel industries. It has developed a variety of software solutions that enhance the planning and engagement of everyday tourists. Its flagship project, ZoomedOUT, is a complete modernization and reimagination of mobile travel apps. In a full 3-D environment, the company is able to integrate planning, booking, social media and camaraderie into a tangibly rewarding experience. It is combining travel, hospitality, mobile gaming and augmented reality to change the way users travel into 2020 and beyond.