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shaker13 wrote: North American Growth Stocks was the topic A caller mentioned DM & what they are doing with selling test kits and putting $ from that into their AI and they brought the chart up Jason Del Vicario from Hillside Growth said he knew nothing about them said looks like they have benefited from the Pandemic and he has no idea where this company goes from here. HAHa maybe if the caller mentioned how DM works for the Cdn Dept of Defence , USAF /CyberCommand , NATO to name a few , clients like ,Samsung , LOTTE & 7-11 and that BNN MarketCall regular guest Benj Gallander learned about DM by a caller and decided to look into the company and liked what he saw and asked to become a Director. That might have raised Mr Vicarios eyebrows a bit :-)) lol Not enough time for all that, I get it Anyways I bet this call in garnered a couple eyeballs today and surely as investors discover DM and do a minimal amount of DD & see they are Cashflow positive , growing their revenues quarter by quarter and executing with precision they will see this gamble is well worth the bet. https://twitter.com/aircanada/status/1330566102246682624?s=21 https://www.datametrex.com/covid https://www.datametrex.com/news https://equity.guru/2020/12/09/datametrex-ai-dm-v-hits-their-national-defence-milestones-and-gets-paid/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xoi_L14uvHE&feature=youtu.be
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