RE:Oroco Resource Corp - Presentation December 17, 2020S
Ismail wrote:
Latest presentation by Adam via San Diego Torrey Hills Capital.
Regarding North Zone IP survey, at around 34:00 he states that field work has been completed, results are being calculated, and that the North Zone "contains the same type of expansion potential that the South Zone does'.
So Adam mentions that after the Holiday break the IP crew will be returning to expand what they found in the South Zone to see how far East those readings continue. I did'nt hear if he said that the Brasiles Zone was complete, but for sure that was/is a high priority target, so I would assume they would want to complete that first. As for NPV, he continues to speak to a price valuation risng as the forces of supply and demand take hold, currently in the $.07-$.09 per lb range. I for one believe we'll prove up 12-15 billion lbs, so if we get to a dime a lb a year or so from now, well you guys can do the math!!! Toronto??