Citation Thank you iceman for bring to the attention of this board, the citation. It could raise some questions and comments. I think there is a bit of catch 22 in all this.For better understanding, it should be read in conjuntion with the transcript.
Maxmoe - Being able to repost the ancient post is no longer important because, even with your helpful suggestion, I can't get it to work. The purpose was only about: spot the pattern. Thank you for your courtesy.
Dante - It is good that you have drawn attention to the accreditation of those who claim a hydrogen electrolyzer in a closed system produces possitive results. Now let's take a closer look at those who state this is impossible.
For those fluent in the language of math, this is easily understood. The beauty in a mathematical sentence is: it is not biased. It has no feelings. It is either correct or incorrect.
bullishboard thinks looking at the story on the other side of the same coin is a good idea.
I'll now attempt to include a link to Propaganda 2003. There you will find at approximately 12:30, me. I can't look at it and not hear a certain Sesame Street song.
The Statement of Claim that was served upon me is found with the video.
Here we go then and I'll see what's to be read after the sun has gone down.