Management is BORING!!I've been a sharelholder of TLT for a while and have always lurked on these boards but never posted. After listening to yesterday's presentation I had to post... I'll likely send their IR an email as well.
THESE GUYS ARE BORING... They need a CEO that can get out to the market and tell their exciting and compelling story. Having these scientists and PhDs as CEOs will only work for investors if they can communicate the excitement and potential of their solution to the general investment community.
This guy Dr Shirazi should be left to the scientific side of the business and leave the investor relations work to somebody else.
After listening to this guy I also don't see how he can motivate the staff and partners to move forward quickly at the speed they need to move. The CEO needs to be the person that drives forward the vision of what they're trying to achieve and to motivate all stakeholders along the way to give their left nut for the mission and vision of the organization...
I don't see how this guy has the ability to do that. We will languish in excuses, mistakes and missed milestones until they have a visionary and true leader at the helm of this ship.
They have THE SOLUTION now let's get this ship moving and get the investor community excited!
His answer to the question give me your top 3 reasons for being an investor in TLT was sooooo unmotivating to me as a shareholder, and i'm sure to any potential investor and to their staff. He could have had a much more positive and excited response to get all stakeholders interested.