no good news except for reliva in 2 and a half years with a company with tenticals all over 25 countries whats up with that its like they want too die in order to let some one get our company for nothing how about an update on world operations whats going on in mexico in preparation ahead of legalization . is aurora part of the global reset is cannabis part of it or was just getting green houses built so canada has a way to grow vegges in the winter an that was the governments plan all along . with trudeau we are attached to the hip of the owners of the world bank U.N W. H. O. SO whats the end game is hard to guess on from what i can tell trump ISREAL MIDDLE EAST NORTH KORIA RUSSIA Are not playing ball with the great reset which is a power grab and control over commoners making the fkn world the way these deranged bas turds think it should be When they own 100% of mainstream world media its hard to see through the fog .