RE:RE:RE:should be a $250 day for gold - spendthrifts have run amokRedrum these dolts have no idea what money is. They think the stuff we use for money, currency can be limitless just necause they say so. History tells another story. Mostly ignored every 40 years or so. A story where useless currency when it's all the polulation has to buy the necessities of life with and the discovery is made that it's not money. That discovery accompanies homelessness. Hoplessness and starvation! As we see things progress we better promise ourselves to turn currency 'paper profits' from TUO into real money to protect our family and ourselves. This games getting long and the Death Reaper is soon to follow if kept up. Some times learning history could save your life. Gold and silver are not currency! They are life savers & wealth preservers. Money!!! Only God makes it. Printing presses or digits on a computer somewhere can't make it. Smarten up people. Because history teaches political leaders never do!