RE:Why is Nano One moving and not HPQ? It's not the same timeline. Nano One is a couple of years ahead. The NR with the "global automaker" this week is actually the second auto company they've signed. The first was in June 2019. This second order heavily validates and de-risks the company.
Second, they are not new to higher stock price territory. As far back as 2018 they were $2.40.
Finally, that have one third the shares outstanding: 86mm to HPQ's 260mm. Significantly lower float.
All of these add up to a higher stock price.
Good4You wrote: Can someone please tell me the difference between these two promising products in the EV batteries sector, and why having two Co in the process of delivering their first samples at about the same time to one major auto maker, NNO has Moved UP 20% Friday and 25% today, while HPQ seems almost stagnant. Is it a marketing or promotion problem? Or is one Product offers better possibilities than the other? Really I would appreciate your comments. Thanks HPQ Patient, Long and Strong Good4You