RE:EQX offer
Assuming gold goes higher, EQX doesn't run into more issues with other parts of their portfolio and this deal actually goes through, you should be fine, yes.
The i-80 placement will be small $52.5 ($75mn - 30% taken by EQX) and unless you get a good allocation outside of what you already own you'll have to buy in the seconday market. I'd expect that to trade at a significant premium, assiming the above mentioned.
If you look at the i-80 portfolio based on a (oversimplfied) weighting of assets that have been disclosed you're getting an adjusted ~2.2mn oz of's how I get there and feel free to correct me:
Proven: 267,000
Probable: 80,000
P+P x .9 = 312,300
Measured: 893,000
Indicated: 1,238,000
M+I x .6 = 1,278,600
Inferred: 2,072,000
I x .3 = 621,600.
Total: 2,212,500.
As of yesetrday, based on the .1967 ratio, ~ 84% of Premier's value was acconted for by EQX shares and the remaining 16% by I-80.
Is that the "correct" value? I think that's open to debate. Given this deal was announced when EQX was dealing with a few issues at their mines in S America and the shares were well off their highs as a result, combined with the unlocking of value at HardRock, etc. I am hopeful it'll work out for all involved.