I Would Be a Strong Buyer Before January -because the New Year is going to see an eye-opening climb in the share price of Maple Gold Mines.
I believe there could be news of a substantially positive nature specific to Maple while macroeconomically if demented Sleepy Joe Biden does manage to steal the Oval Office and installs the most inept, corrupt, Marxist Administration in the history of the Republic even the dumbest Yanks are going to begin to have the horrible economic, societal, cultural and governmental situation which now confronts them actually begin to permeate their cement-like skulls and realize at long last the "emperor" indeed has no clothes. The consequences of that realization will spark a mad dash to hard currency and we all know there are but two which are accurately defined as true money . . .
The USD is headed for oblivion as all manipulated fiat currencies before it and accompanied simultaneusly by the worthless fiat currencies of most other nations. Purchasing power shall plummet as inflation, already high, gives way to hyperinflation and all the government bail-outs or -ins and all the other various scams, schemes, machinations, lies, deceptions and all other actions taken and meant to deceive will matter not one whit.
The laws of economics are just as inviolable as the laws of other sciences and silver and gold WILL HAVE THEIR DAY AT LAST!
There will be a mad dash for bullion but silver and gold are now scarce and becoming moreso. Their proxies, the shares, particularly of the junior gold explorers, however, will be somewhat more available and no less desirable to acquire in an effort to preserve wealth, particularly among the upper middle class and upper class dynastic families and this could turbocharge the rise in the share prices to a velocity of increase not seen before in previous gold bulls BECAUSE previous bulls have not been backed by macroeconomic factors as dire as this one.
Yessiree, Bob, this will be one for the ages.
Establish your positions NOW as tomorrow (January) may be cutting it a bit too close.
Merry Christmas and a very, very Happy New Year to all.
And, as always, a great good fortune to all as well.