RE:Face It Unless the test is improved to
sensitivity of 98%, a specificity of 100% SONA will be wasting their time applying to the FDA again. Those are the accuracy of the latest tests the FDA is approving for shallow Swabs.
No one will want to do deep swabs ever again if shallow swabs are available.
dart321 wrote: this company has until Feb 16th to get their act together and their share price back up or face a growing number of law suits. Doesn't matter if the suits have any standing or not the fact is they are there. So Feb 16th is their deadline it's their drop dead date. It was a total mistake to go after HC approval before the FDA, HC is nothing but a tag along for the FDA and the FDA was political because of the corruption of the Trump admin. Biden will let science be science. In my opinion if they submit more data to the FDA once Biden takes over they could have a chance of a quick approval providing the new data proves the test out with a larger study.