Christmas came early thanks to Goldbug1965Want to make lots of money like I did? Go against what Goldbug1965 says here.
These are his 3 SUP posts on this thread (besides his childish, jealous and envious posts about PG):
#1October 13th Northern Superior is only discussed here because Peter Pump & Co. is bagholding. You are basically doing a coin flip on a desperate wildcard drilling campaign...
VSR is a much better investment at this level.
SUP was $.59 and VSR $1.25
# 2 - Nov 8th Smart to take profits here. It will take a miracle to keep the stock at this valuation let alone to keep appreciating. I really don't understand the hype, that is easily 2x overpriced.
Stay safe.
Sup was $.84
#3 - November 9th Thanks, I think SUP it's more like $0.35-0.40.
So from goldbug 1965 panning SUP on October 13th, the share price is up 150% in just a couple of months
When it was $.84, he said it was going to $.35 - $.40
Meanwhile, those of us who follow PG have made a great score on SUP, many other gold plays and of course, a killing on uranium stocks.
Keep up the hatred and poor forecasts Goldbug, we can always use a few million more
Merry Christmas to all others.