RE:RE:InvestingInteresting thoughts cs. We r talking about english lsnguage here I believe.
I believe whether u, trade, speculate or invest, the end game is the number of bags u get to take home at some point.
It would seam 2 me that a buy or sell us always a speculation that it is the best place for your cash or not.
When u do the buy or sell it would seam clear that was a trade. To invest
means according to dictionaries to purchase with the hope of returning a profit or benefit of sorts.
So, I believe it important to look at short, medium and long term senarios when buying anything. Currently, copoer is looking great on all 3 time frames.
Which copper corp is the best is the tuff q.
Tko is likely quite safe with good upside. But that is just my speculation.
To reduce risk, many hold a long term core and a short term swing position.
About a million shares a day trade on all markets with tko, tgb. The goal of those trading, is to make cash.
Happy guessing:))