Detection chamber price $$$.Many investors have issues with the detection chamber price.
The price of the detection chamber will definitively come down(4 reasons).
1) The detection chamber will be recyclable.
2) (Last pressrelease) KNR said " Customers that purchase multiple units will receive discounts for the detection chamber".
3) (last pressrelease) "The company has initiated discussions and testing to source its re-agents from canadian based sources.By doing so it is seeking to reduce the cost of the detection chamber".
The next generation.
4) This is the first generation of Biocloud detectors, you can be certain that the next generation will have better detection limits, it will also have improved virus collectors and detectors.
To resume ... less re-agent could be needed in the detection chamber to activate the detectors, and the detection chamber price could come down to a level were it is not an issue anymore for the client.