I wonder why the great creator/ designer of the human body neglected to add formaldehyde, aborted fetus,mercury, monkey juice, and many more THINGS, especially the nano size THINGS that are in vaccines...It's only a tiny amount they say !...how much nano THINGS is a tiny amount?...science 101 says you can't make a vaccine that keeps mutating....much like the new strains in the UK & China, anywhere else ?...Ivermectin works , a healthy immune system works...stop touching your germ incubating mask and spreading the disease....that would help to stop the transmission....99.75% recovery rate , 96% of real covid deaths are sick & old people...just like the ones murdered in NY old folks homes by Gov Como, remember him " WE NEED 100,000 VENTILATORS." which he didn't use much after they realized they were killing people, and then he shipped them to Indonesia where they sit unused..fear driven mass hysteria was the plan..so many sheeple fell for it....uncleron is always right !..cheers