RE:Leo the wife basherOh Mutty, your tiny todger was cutest little thing I've seen in a long time.
MuttPatrollives wrote: So you gutless slob from Burnaby , the professed dope smoking prancer , your true colours surface. If you ever came out of the closet Greta Groupie and revealed yourself l would guess there would be a lineup to b\tch slap that stupid smirking face of yours with the exception of 2 SH trolls who have awarded you almost 13000 bogus thumbs up and a fake NonCom who is such a stooge that he thinks you are a man of integrity. Well that 68 year old married man is just a Dimwit to not squish a slug like you underfoot. Now doper spark up another one and please join your 6 the mass extinction prediction , or was that you just flapping that big oneliner mouth of yours for more thumbs up.